It’s been a while, but I’m back.

My husband and I managed to set some Christmas Traditions
for our family. Holidays can be tough for a young family. The traditions we
grew up with were extremely different from each others’ but we were able to
decide what fits us. Our favorite new tradition is to make a Christmas movie
with our kids and we hope to do that every year. (clique here to see it)
I also came to a realization of something I’ve been fighting
to overcome for a couple of years: Liking what a see in the mirror. Before I
get into that, let me give you some background.
Growing up I wasn’t a good looking kid. I looked at the
mirror and I saw neither a pretty or ugly girl, I just saw myself. I had no
concept of beauty or ugliness, all I knew was that I had bronze skin, big
cheeks, very black hair, big eyes and arched eyebrows.
By the time I started school some people described me as
ugly. I wasn’t bullied or made fun of, but I often heard people saying things
like, “Which one is Juliana? The ugly little one on the right?”
Around that same time my brother and I were going to a
private school and they were planning to make a TV commercial to portray the
students at the school. The principal invited students individually to participate
in the commercial that would be recorded that Saturday. When the week of the
commercial came, the principal announced that the students who would
participate didn’t need to wear their uniforms on Friday and that their parents
should make sure to wash and iron the uniforms for the commercial Saturday. When
Friday came, the only two students wearing uniforms were my brother and I. As we
later deduced, we were the only ones not invited to participate.
We still laugh about that day. We didn’t feel hurt or
humiliated. It wasn’t a surprise that we weren’t invited to participate.
Commercials were for good looking kids and we knew we didn’t fit in that category.
My brained got the information that my features and my measurements
wouldn’t qualify me as beautiful. We live in a society where to be considered
beautiful you have to look a certain way. You have to have the right size, the
right weight and the right measurements. Beauty is about numbers.
Since I took my first steps music was my passion. I took my first
music lessons at age 4 and never stopped. Growing up I didn’t have a piano so I
often practiced at a church building and many times during a youth activity. And
every time at started playing people would come and ask me to play their
favorite songs. I felt loved and appreciated, and I also have to say, I felt
like I had the prettiest hands in the world, not for what they looked, but for
what they were capable of doing. I believe the reason I learned how to accept my
looks was because I grew up being appreciated for my talents.
I felt lucky to have friends that would tell me that my
presence in their party made a difference, or that talking to them on the phone
made their day. Numbers and measurements would never give me that.
Although throughout my life I’ve been confident being me,
now I see that seeing myself as ugly may not be beneficial. Every time my
husband calls me beautiful it bothers me. I do know he finds me attractive, that
man had to really fight for this Brazilian and I know he wouldn’t have done all
of that for someone he wasn’t attracted to, but it just doesn’t sound right.
Because, again, I don’t have the right numbers.
Another reason I’ve been trying to change the way I see myself
is because my beautiful daughter was also born in a difficult era, and if she
hears me saying I’m ugly, she will believe she’s ugly too. I don’t want her to
EVER question her worth.
So what should I strive to see in myself what I look in the
mirror? After months of trying to figure it out, I finally found the word. When
I look at myself in the mirror I want to see someone FASCINATING!
Have you ever met someone that didn’t have the right
measurements, but something about her or him was simply fascinating? Someone
that was so unique looking that you couldn’t get your eyes off that person, or
had such a great personality that you just wanted to be around him or her?
I have met so many
fascinating people and I want to become one. I want to become a fascinating
wife. I don’t want my daughter to try to be pretty. I want her to strive to be
What should I do to become fascinating? I want to find the
best of ME, because nothing in this world is more unique and fascinating than
our “ME”. To become fascinating I will have to improve what is good in me and
eliminate what is bad.
And who wants to be pretty if you can be fascinating.